The North Carolina Sociological Association

The North Carolina Sociological Association is open to all practicing sociologists (whether in academic, government or applied settings) as well as to all student sociologists, graduate or undergraduate. Members receive SOCIATION TODAY, the Bulletin of the NCSA, three times per year and are invited to attend the annual meeting of the association in the spring. Dues are for one calendar year.

Joining NCSA

To join the North Carolina Sociological Association, please send a check for the current year's dues to: Sue Pauley, Secretary-Treasuer of the NCSA, Department of Sociology, PO Box 1015, Wingate University, Wingate, NC 28174.
Professional dues are $11 per year; student dues are $3.
Please include your name, preferred mailing address, institutional affiliation, office/home phone/FAX, and any e-mail address.

Click here for a printer-friendly membership form.

History of the NCSA

The NCSA was founded in 1969 by Joseph Himes and other sociologists throughout the state as a means of bringing together sociologists who were working in a variety of settings, both academic and applied. The founders of the NCSA were particularly concerned to provide a meeting place for those sociologists who might otherwise find themselves isolated in one-person departments located in smaller liberal arts colleges or community colleges. The annual meetings have provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of issues affecting the discipline rather than just as a place to present papers and research. Throughout its history, the association has encouraged and nurtured student sociologists by including their work in the sessions of its annual meetings and by honoring outstanding student papers with an annual award.
The archives of the NCSA are currently housed on the campus of North Carolina State University.

SOCIATION TODAY: The Bulletin of the NCSA

The NCSA publishes SOCIATION TODAY three times a year, usually in November, February, and May. This bulletin is mailed to all members in good standing and provides information about the discipline, the association's members and its annual meeting. The current editor of SOCIATION is Lee Dodson , Rockingham Community College, P.O. Box 38, Wentworth, NC 27375-0038 (336-342-4261, ext. 2155).
If you have any difficulties concerning the receipt of SOCIATION TODAY (incomplete address, misspelled name, new apartment number, etc.), please contact the editor of SOCIATION TODAY.
SOCIATION TODAY welcomes contributions from the sociological community concerning new employees and department members, recent publications and awards, and issues of general concern to its members. SOCIATION TODAY encourages all departments to recognize (through an appropriate feature articles for the bulletin) the lifelong accomplishments and contributions of those who are retiring from their formal posts. Please send all contributions to its editor at the address listed above.

Himes Award: Outstanding Student Sociology Papers

North Carolina Sociological Association Himes Student Paper Awards

View Timothy Kennery's (WFU Class of 2002) paper "Conflict, Alientation, and the National Basketball Lockout of 1998: A Labor-relations Perspective," which was the 2002 winner of the Himes Award.

NCSA Award for Contributions to Sociology

Each year the NCSA presents an Award for Contributions to Sociology. This award recognizes excellence in teaching, service, research, or other activity. It is open to members of the NCSA in academic, research, or applied positions.
Nominations may be made by an individual other than the nominee, an academic department, government agency, or employer. The nomination should include a summary of appropriate evidence, including information about items such as:
--Teaching evaluations by students, peers, and administrators.
--Developing and improving teaching techniques.
--Advising and supervising students and serving as a mentor.
--Developing, administering, evaluating and marketing courses and programs.
--Fostering improved teaching through research, publications, conferences, and workshops.
--Outstanding scholarly contributions through books, articles, or other publications.
--Service to the academic community or one's place of employment.
--Service to the profession of Sociology through work with either state, regional, national or international associations.
--Community service at the local, state, regional or national level. This could include work with both nonprofit and profit organizations where the outcome demonstrated a significant contribution to sociology or to bettering society.
--The application of sociological knowledge to a critical societal problem and its solution.
The winner will be recognized at the annual meeting and receive a plaque and NCSA lifetime membership. Previous winners of this award include Joseph Himes, Isabelle Powell, Alfred Denton, Odell Uzzell, Ben Judkins, Ella Keller, Lee Dodson, George Conklin, Dick and Ida Simpson, David Pratto, John Shelton Reed, Pat Wyatt, Mike Wise, Virginia Foxx and Catherine Harris.
This is a good opportunity to recognize a colleague who has labored long and hard for the discipline. The deadline for nominations is usually the end of the first week in December. Please forward any nominations to a member of the NCSA Executive Council.



(Adopted April 6,1974; Amended February 24,1979, February 28,1986, March 20,1992)


The Association shall be known as the North Carolina Sociological Association.


The objectives of the Association shall be to stimulate and improve research, instruction and discussion, to encourage cooperative relations among persons engaged in the scientific study of society, and to encourage cooperative relations between academic sociology and other agencies with related interests.


Section 1. Regular membership is open to any person engaged in teaching and/or research in sociology, or in a field of applied sociology.

Section 2. Student membership is open to any actively enrolled student whose major interest is sociology. Student members may be appointed to committees.

Section 3. Annual dues in the amount decided by the membership will be payable at or before the first general meeting of each calendar year.

Section 4. Regular members whose dues are paid at the time of the first general meeting of the calendar year shall be eligible to vote and stand for election to office.


Section 1. The officers of the association shall be the President, President-Elect, Past-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Editor.

Section 2. There shall be an Executive Council of nine members broadly representing the membership, elected for three years, staggered terms, three being elected each year. The Executive Council acts for the Association, subject to the will of the membership. Officers of the Association sit as members ex-officio on the Council, and the President acts as Chairman of the Council.

Section 3. The term of office of the President shall be one year. Following this term, the incumbent serves for one year as Past President. The President will be the senior executive officer of the Association.

Section 4. The Vice Presidential duties shall be performed by the President-Elect who will succeed the President.

Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be chosen by the Executive Council for an indefinite term.

Section 6. The Editor shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the Executive Council for a renewable three-year term. The Editor will be responsible to the Publications Committee and publish a newsletter and such other periodicals as the Association may wish to authorize.

Section 7. Candidates for President-Elect and for the Executive Council shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee of three appointed by the President.

Section 8. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a ballot containing one or more nominees for President-Elect and for each vacancy on the Executive Council.

Section 9. The election, conducted annually by the Secretary under the direction of the Nominating Committee, will be by printed mail ballot. Ballots will be distributed at least one month prior to the annual meeting and the results of the balloting will be announced at the annual meeting. Election will be by majority of votes cast.

Section 10. Newly elected officers of the Association will assume their responsibilities at the close of the business session at the Annual Meeting.

Section 11. Any vacancy of an officer or Executive Council member because of death, resignation, or other crises will be filled at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Council by a vote of the majority (at least five) of the Executive Council and will be for the unexpired portion of the term.

Section 12. If a majority (at least five) of the Executive Council deem it necessary to replace an officer or Executive Council member because of nonperformance due to incapacitation or dereliction, the replacement will be determined at any regular or special meeting of the Executive Council by a vote of the majority (at least five) of the Executive Council and will be for the unexpired portion of the term.


Section 1. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Association as directed by the Executive Council. The President shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Program Committee: The Program Committee shall be appointed by the President and shall consist of the President-E1ect as Chairman and such other members as deemed advisable. The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning programs consistent with the objectives of the Association.

Section 3. Publications Committee: The President with the consent of the Council shall appoint a chairman of the Publications Committee and such other members as appropriate to the general supervision of the publication activities of the association. Terms of office on the Committee shall be set by the Council. A budget for expenses of publication must be approved by the Committee and the Council, and expenditures under this budget must be approved by the Treasurer. The President may elect to ask the Council to serve as the Publications Committee.

Section 4. Other Committees shall be appointed by the President as deemed necessary.

Section 5. The President shall be considered an ex-officio member of all standing committees.


Section 1. There shall be an annual meeting each year at a time and place to be decided by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Other meetings may be scheduled by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The business of the Association shall be conducted at the scheduled meetings.

Section 4. Each meeting shall consist of a planned program and a business session.


Section 1. One-fourth of the regular membership, present and acting at any scheduled meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Unless challenged, those members attending the business session of a scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2. Business of the Association shall be conducted according to provisions of Roberts' Rules of Order, latest edition.

Section 3. This constitution may be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided the proposed amendments have first been circulated by the Executive Council at least two weeks prior to the meeting where the vote is taken.


Section 1. A recommendation of the dissolution of NCSA would be proposed by the Executive Council and submitted to a mail ballot of the membership.

Section 2. Upon dissolution of the North Carolina Sociological Association, all assets will be given to the general scholarship fund of the American Sociological Association in accordance with U.S. Treasury regulation Section 1.50(c)-1(b)(4).

NCSA Executive Council 2002-2003

President Richard Dixon Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice UNC-Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 910-962-3428

Immediate Past President Robert A. Wortham Department of Sociology North Carolina Central University Durham, NC 27702 919-560-6420

President-Elect Beth Davison 216 Chapell Wilson Hall Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28608 828-262-6397

Secretary-Treasurer Sue Pauley Department of Sociology, PO Box 1015 Wingate University Wingate, NC, 28174 704-233-8059

Editor of Sociation Lee Dodson Today Department of Sociology Rockingham Community College Wentworth, NC 27375-0038 336-342-4261, x-155

Class of 2004 Jamie Price UNC-Wilmington Miles Simpson North Carolina Central University Graham Spann Lees-McRae College

Class of 2003 Michelle Cotton 809 Shepherd Street Durham, NC 27701 919-733-7011

Rebecca Bach Duke University Department of Sociology, Box 90088 Durham, NC 27708-0088 919-660-5606

Terry Smith Department of Sociology Salem College Winston-Salem, NC 27108-0546

Class of 2004 Angela Lewellyn Jones Department of Sociology, Campus Box 2243 Elon College, NC 27244 336-538-6719

Teresa Scheid Department of Sociology/Anthropology/Social Work UNC-Charlotte Charlotte, NC 28223 704-547-4297

Caroline Whitehead 800 College Ct. New Bern, NC 28562 252-638-7305

Class of 2000 Kenneth Land (Retired) Department of Sociology Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0088 919-660-5615 Christa Reiser Department of Sociology East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858 252-328-4767

Suzanne Trask, Past President, 1998-1999 Department of Sociology Salem College PO Box 10548 Winston-Sallem, NC 27108

Catherine Zimmer 240 Haynes Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-515-9028

Class of 2001 (Retired) George H. Conklin, Past President, 1999-2000 Department of Sociology North Carolina Central University Durham, NC 27707

Richard Dixon (see above) Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice UNC-Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 910-962-3428

Chien Ju Huang Department of Sociology N. C. Central University Durham, NC 27707 919-560-6423

Sue Pauley (see above) Department of Sociology Wingate University Wingate, NC 28174 704-233-4326

Class of 2002 Beth Davison (see above) (Retired) 216 Chapell Wilson Hall Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28608 828-262-6397

Steven McMamee Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice UNC Wilmington Wilmington, NC 28403-3297 910-962-3421

Rasby Marlene Powell Sociology Department UNC Pembroke Pembroke, NC 28372 910-521-6477

Presidents 1969-2003

1969-1971 Founding President Joseph S. Himes 1971-1972 1972-1973 1973-1974 Dorothy Williams A. M. Denton Everett K. Wilson (Obituary) 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1977 Selz C. Mayo Leslie Syron David Hawk 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 Barbara Goodnight Barbara Goodnight M. Richard Cramer 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 David Pratto John Earle Barbara Goodnight 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 John Maiolo Catherine Harris George Rent 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 Paul Lindsay Ben Judkins Robert Davis 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 William Markham Ken Wilson Larry Keeter 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 Mike Pearson Norman Layne, Jr. Catherine Harris 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 Cindy Farris Robert Moxley Mike Wise 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 Suzanne Trask George Conklin Ron Wimberley 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 Robert Wortham Rick Dixon Beth Davison

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