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The Torch Magazine,  The Journal and Magazine of the
International Association of Torch Clubs
For 91 Years

A Peer-Reviewed
Quality Controlled

ISSN  Print 0040-9440
ISSN Online 2330-9261

  Winter 2017
Volume 90, Issue 2


What do I know?

--Michel de Montaigne

   Articles for the Winter 2017 Issue
  1. What I Kept and What I Left Behind: A Philosophy Professor Looks Back on his Fundamentalist Upbringing
    by Dan Crawford
      The author's father, Percy Crawford, was a well-known fundamentalist preacher who used the radio and early television to preach his message.  The whole family was involved in the ministry, which included a musical chorus. Percy Crawford would have thought the current conservative social agenda was putting the emphasis on inessential matters and missing the essential message of the New Testament, namely, to carry the gospel to the world, and save souls.  The author describes how he integrated his past with his chosen career as a professor of philosophy. A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  2. Common Core: A Dream in Progress
    by D. Hugh Ferguson
      The dream of a simple, practical, effective national educational system is not disappearing into the atmosphere of lost yearnings. Following this first year of Common Core testing, there will be great "Common Interest" in conclusions and recommendations regarding quality and cost that will carry us into the future. As Americans, we will continue to attempt to define and fix whatever is broken in our public schools. A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  3. Traumatic Brain Injury
    by Anna Johnson-Winegar
      The author discuses how traumatic brain injuries affects humans.  One main source of brain inuries is football, something that has received a lot of recent publicty.  However, soccer also is a problem, since bouncing the ball of the head is also a cause of trainmatic brain injury.  There is no cure for traumatic brain injuries, only avoidance.  A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  4. By the Numbers
    by R. Paul Moore
      Paying taxes is not a popular undertaking. The author looks at many different ways of measuring governmental tax history.  In terms of who pays what, the author shows that each income bracket ends of paying a similar portion of its income in taxes.  Total taxes paid by each income group are roughly similar to their share of income.  So, are all paying their fair share?  By the numbers, in 2014 each income group was paying taxes that seem appropriate for its income levels.  The lowest 20% of incomes are taxed at 19.1% overall.  It would not be easy to live on $14,000 per year ($7.00 an hour) and pay nearly 20% of it on taxes.  A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  5. Isoroku Yamamoto, Reluctant Admiral
    by William T. Alexander, II
      Both before and during World War II, Isoroku Yamamoto was revered by the Japanese as the most famous, professional, and capable admiral in the Imperial Navy. The esteem in which even his enemies held him was similar to that of Field Marshal Rommel of Germany's Third Reich.  Yet he often had fears that attacking the United States at Pearl Horbor would not be fruitful once the nation used its larger productive capacity to win a war of attrition.  His fears of course proved correct.  A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  6. The Seven Lives of Winston Spencer Churchill
    by Joseph C. Huber, Jr.
      Winston Churchill had seven areas of interest.  His first interest was politics, but his ability to write was probably equally important.   Winston's command of the English language, inventive use of words, lucid and succinct narrative, and fascinating content were irresistible. Though not the overwhelming best-seller his history of the Second World War the book has many admirers; it is nothing less than "the greatest historical work written in our century, an inexhaustible mine of political wisdom and understanding, which should be required reading for every student of political science," according to political philosopher Leo Strauss. A .pdf of the article is available here.
  7. Brian Williams: Issues and Perceptions
    by Rhoda Tillman
      Brian Williams was (is) a well-known news reporter. Williams reported that during the invasion of Iraq, he had been traveling in a helicopter that was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade and forced down. He told the story on late night television as well as on NBC Nightly News. When he subsequently retold the story, he said that he was actually following the aircraft that was struck. Not quite as heroic. Many people were offended and Williams was disciplined.  This article describes how in an era when truth is relative, why the reaction to Williams was so severe. A .pdf file of the article is available here.
  8. George Paul Crepeau, 1922-2016
    by A. Reed Taylor
      On September 17, 2016, one of the bright flames of today’s Torch Association was extinguished as we lost George Crepeau. Throughout his university career George Crepeau was very active in the Columbus Torch Club, legendary for attracting new members and lining up interesting programs.  As President of the International Association of Torch Clubs from 1990 to 1992, he was always unflappable and calm in the face of any crisis. Known affectionately as “George the Good,” he was always a gentleman, quiet and yet persistent in convincing others of his positions.  He will be missed.

    ©2017  by the International Association of Torch Clubs

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