Emile Durkheim

Sociation Today

ISSN 1542-6300

The Official Journal of the
North Carolina Sociological Association

A Peer-Reviewed
Refereed Web-Based 

Spring 2011
Volume 11, Issue 1

Goals, Objectives and Author's Submission Guidelines

    The goal of Sociation Today is not to replicate the standard journal article of 25 pages, with references going all the way back to Durkheim.  Rather, our model will be short articles with one or two tables which will be accessible to professionals, students and the general population. 
  • A model for style can be found by examining a current issue, but see below for how to do references. 
  • Work submitted for publication should be original. Articles aimed at core concepts in sociology are favored, since our audience will extend beyond the usual academic institutions. 

  • Please e-mail your submissions to the editor. The new e-mail address at sociationtoday@ncsociology.org.  The academic address is gconklin@nccu.edu.

  • Note: by appearing on the Web, students, faculty and the public can easily search it out.  People today seem to avoid going to the library, but are willing to spend hours searching for information on the Internet. 

  • Sociation Today is abstracted in Sociological Abstracts.  It is also listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, which provides for on-line searching.  See the current issue for the link. Sociation Today is a member of the EBSCO Publishing Group.

  • Each submission to Sociation Today is peer-reviewed (refereed) by sociologists. Since referees are volunteers, the speed of reviews has ranged from several weeks to several months. 
  • Sociation Today is the first web-based sociological journal sponsored by a professional society.  At a time when established journals such as Science are facing challenges from the scientific community who wish to publish quickly with a refereed publication on the Web.  We feel that Sociation Today will set the tone for future publishing in the social sciences.  Sociation Today charges neither the author for publication, nor the reader to access our publication.

    Updates for Authors

    Based on the experiences over the past years, please note the following helpful hints about submitting articles for possible publication.

    Most authors submit their work using Word.  Please do not submit HTML files.  We prefer the minimum use of footnotes.

    In order to maintain some uniformity across different articles, simply type your tables, not using complex table-making formats in Word.  The editor will then retype your tables.  Keep tables short enough to fit onto one computer screen so the reader can actually use the screen to view your work.  More and more, readers are NOT printing articles.  

    Since Sociation Today will be available for many years, we must anticipate browser changes without having to constantly rework past issues.   By limiting the width of articles in current issues, it is possible to have a readable page regardless of screen width. For best printing, set Internet Explorer to small type and print. 

    Here is a sample reference for a book: Burke, Peter J, ed. 2006. Contemporary Social Psychological Theories. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

    Here is a sample reference for an article:  Stack, Steven. 1983. "The Effect of Religious Commitment on Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis." Journal of Health and Social Behavior 24: 362-74. 

    Here is a sample reference to a cited article: 

    This definition focuses on "the benefits accruing to individuals by virtue of participating in groups (Portes 1998)."  We are not using a comma after the author.  Please note this. 

    When you submit your manuscript, please do not indent on the Reference page.  Just leave a space between cites. 

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